Do you really need a butt-pack?

What is butt-pack? Simple, they are simply packs for your butts. Really, that’s what they are. Developed by the U.S. military, this load carrying accessory was commissioned to provide soldiers with more room for carrying attachments and gears. They are officially called Field Packs, but no. Butt-packs sound cool! These butt-packs are often attached to the USGO web belt and […]

Ballistic helmet surplus and accessories

The ballistic helmet industry is as wide as the helmet accessories market. And for obvious reasons too. Most ballistic helmets are often quite heavy in themselves. Hence, an additional attachment of gears and accessories can make the ballistic helmet even heavier and discomforting. For this, accessories are crafted externally and to be used optionally as required by the wearer. There […]

ACH vs ECH Ballistic Helmets

Is the latter always greater the former? Well, it depends. When it comes to ballistic helmets, there are certain factors that are put in consideration when improving the design of an existing helmet. Whether its increased protection or reduction in weight, improvement in ballistic helmet designs is rated by factors that promotes the efficiency, protection, and effectiveness of the wearer. […]

ACH Helmets: The greatest combat helmet

The Advanced Combat Helmet, also known as the ACH, came into use in the mid-2000s. It was deployed by the United States Army Soldier Systems Center to provide ballistic protection for the US Army. Currently, it is used by the United State Army as a combat helmet. After several research in the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, the ACH was presented […]